Elite cat boarding motels

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your feeding schedule?

We feed in terms of the instructions given by the owner, otherwise, we generally feed the cats dry food/ biscuits in the morning and wet food at night. We top up the water as needed throughout the day.

what days are you closed?

We are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day and Easter Sunday.

Good Friday: open 8am - 10am, closed in the afternoon. Easter Monday: closed in the morning, open 4pm - 6pm

what do I need to bring?

Our service includes comfortable bedding (blankets and beds), chair, scratch poles, water and food bowls and two feeds per day. You may wish to bring your pets favourite item and/or bedding from home if preferred. Please bring any veterinary/special food and any medication required (labelled with clear instructions).

how do I pay?

Internet banking or cash.

All charges are based on a per-day basis and are to be paid at the time of collecting your pet. ‘Per Day’ means they are charged for the day of arrival regardless of the drop off time. If collected in the morning there is no charge for that day. However we charge a full day if collected in the afternoon.

During school holidays and long weekends we reserve the right to charge for the days booked regardless of an earlier check out.

Can I view the facilities?

You are welcome to come to view our facilities during open hours by arrangement.

What do you do if my cat gets sick?

If a cat in our care shows any signs of illness or injury we will contact you or your emergency contact person and arrange immediate vet care.


Yes, we can pick up and drop-off at an additional cost.

Our commitment to you

Rooms are cleaned daily and fully sanitised between cat visits.

Your cat/s will receive individual attention and be checked on several times a day; brushing, cuddles and playtime are a big part of the service.

We provide two meals a day and refill water when needed.

What are the terms and conditions?

1- All owners are required to produce a vaccination certificate that states clearly that the cat is protected against feline enteritis, rhinotracheitis and calicivirus when the cat is delivered.

2- All charges are based on a per-day basis and are to be paid at the time of collecting your pet. ‘Per Day’ means they are charged for the day of arrival regardless of the drop off time. If collected in the morning there is no charge for that day. However we charge a full day if collected in the afternoon.

In long term situations, we request that payment be made monthly or by 50% deposit on delivering your cat and a 50% balance to be paid on collecting your pet.

3- During school holidays and long weekends we reserve the right to charge for the days booked regardless of an earlier check out.

4- We reserve the right to make suitable arrangements for any pet left in our care 7 days after the due collecting date if no contact is made by the owner or owners agent.

5- A vet will be called, at the owner’s expense, if it is considered necessary and we will then act on their advice. We will do our best to contact you or your Emergency Contact person prior to this.

6- Our facilities and management practices are maintained at a very high standard. Therefore the very best of care will be given to your pet, however, we accept no responsibility for illness, death, injury or loss for any reason whatsoever apart from any breach from the guarantees in the “Consumers Guarantee Act 1993”

7- For your cat’s safety please deliver them to us in a safe and secure cage.

8- By agreeing to these terms and conditions you also agree for us to photograph your cat/s. These photos may be used and published on our Facebook page and/or website with the aim of keeping you, the owner, informed of their daily wellbeing. Photos used on our Facebook page and website are also part of our advertising to the general public.